Your Instagram account @jsonofficial_ is approved: Action required

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jsonofficial_ is approved: now check the login

Hi jason silv,

Great news, your Instagram account jsonofficial_ is approved.

We now need you to go login to your Schedugram account, go to Manage Accounts and trigger a login.

This is the final step in the Schedugram account verification process and will only take a few minutes.

Check login for jsonofficial_

So what happens next?

  • Once you trigger the login, one of our phones will try to login to your account
  • Check your Instagram app - it should show you a notification like this:
    Example of the screen Instagram will show you
  • Click 'This was me' to approve our login, then click the 'check login' button again in Schedugram.

NB: We do this for your account safety, and once it's done, there shouldn't be any more issues with the account so you can start scheduling asap!

As always, if you have any problems feel free to reach out. You can book a time with our team to get the account connected in realtime if that helps.

If you're interested in how Schedugram works and why we need this, watch this quick video to find out:

Account approved

Feel free to reach out whenever you need anything,

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Dunja & the Schedugram team

Follow us on Twitter @schedugram
